Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I have been so blessed so far. I am amazed at the Lord's hand in  my life at this time. I Have been working on my papers a freaking out about every thing to do with my mission. Money has been a major part of it. I am renting an apartment with some friends and was plaining to get a part time job to make the money for the apartment... In my this seem like the only logical thing to do. As many of you know I am a teacher and i may be able to pick up ten extra hours a week. meaning that i would only work ten hours but would make enough money as if i was working 30 hour at a shop in the mall. I am praying that this works out. i know that it would be the best for me and for my work. 

The other cool thing that happened to me was that last week i was at the Temple and Elder Kikuchi was there. It was really awesome and my testimony grew so much. Before he left he said "To you youth with no exceptions serve a mission" This was the first time in my life i felt like i had my answer. I know that I am meant to serve a mission. It was by far it was one of the coolest thing to ever happen to me.

Lastly i was reading my scriptures and i total know what scripture i want on my plaque...but i will save it for another blog.

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