Monday, August 11, 2008

So I guess that there is no such thing as "papers" anymore!

So everything is online...and I was told that I would be able to get them this morning.... and so far no go. :( but thats. they will come in due time. I have had a great thought. So here it is.... I was thinking that my future companion/trainer is most likely out or getting ready to go out on her mission. What a great thought so i have been making sure to keep her in all of my prayers. I can't wait. I have also contacted some local sister missionaries to go tracking with. I was reading In Preach My Gospel and in one of the lesson it talks about talking to everyone.... so that is my goal. I will do my best to talk to every one. 

So far not a lot of people know about my plans. but I have chosen to share my mission plans with my co-workers and every single day I have had some question about the church or opportunities to share information about what missionaries do. I wasn't going to do this at first but it felt right and i love it. I can talk openly about it and know that little seeds might be being planted. 

This by far has been the hardest thing that i have ever done but i know with all my hear that this is right. The Lord is going to bless me and my family and my future family. My Branch President was told at the begining of his mission that his future spouse depended on how he served his mission. That has always been something that stuck with me.

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