Sunday, August 31, 2008


OK so I am stressed and really not sure what to do about it. Everything is going according to plan but for the last few weeks I have been doubting myself and my capability. I know that with all my heart I am going to serve a mission but i keep thinking about all that I am going to be here.- my brothers graduation from high school, nephews going up, friends getting married and my family. I was talking with a friend of mine about a guy that i like.... and he said that when you get back from your mission you will have a better idea of what you want in a husband. When i get back i will be 26 and thats a little scary for me. i feel like I'm behind the game but deep down i know that this is where the lord has placed me... and i trust in His reasoning. I don't understand it but i have faith in Him. I wonder if I am going to be able to go on a mission and i have the great fear that i will not be called. As i said I am stressed. 

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

26 is not old at all! I know a lot of our friends have gotten married at younger ages, but 26 is still young to live the life of dating and finding a husband.

It's hard to think of leaving family and friends behind and missing out on their lives for 2 years. Remember, though, that it is only 2 years and that you have the rest of your life to 'catch-up' and be there for all the special events.

Hank's brother, whom I met shortly before he left on his mission, missed out on our wedding and will miss out on the birth of his little nephew. We have shared photos and stories to keep him updated. I'm sure he is a bit sad that he is missing these important milestones, but on the other hand, he has a LOT to look forward to when he comes home in February :) and I'm sure he's way excited.

I guess you have to weigh the option of if you will regret not going on a mission now? Of course, there is always the option of serving a mission with your husband in the far future if anything! :)

I support you, Buddy, either way.